Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula has closed as an incorporated group from November 2020. This website will remain live until the end of August 2021 and we encourage you to download any information that you wish to keep.

The Coast Banksia Woodland re-vegetation site has been in progress since 2008. Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula volunteers have worked with funding support from the (then) Federal Government Envirofund grants to remove introduced trees and re-vegetate this public reserve back to a Coast Banksia Woodland EVC, or Ecological Vegetation Class.

Each year the site vegetation improves and includes native orchids, grasses, shrubs and trees.

GipPlain 02 Coast Banksia woodland        EVC2CoastBanksiaWoodland

Wildlife carer Kylie removing weeds at Coast Banksia Woodland, Venus Bay
Remnant Kangaroo Grass flourishing at Coast Banksia Woodland.
Janet Carey removing weeds at Coast Banksia Woodland, Venus Bay
Volunteers from left Kylie, Lorraine, Gudrun, Dorota, Kevin, Janet, Will (standing) and Gill at front, Coast Banksia Woodland 2014. Photo by Mae