Pipi Research and Advocacy

Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula joined forces with other organisations and the broader Venus Bay community to raise our concerns about the potentially negative impacts...
Beach 1 Revegetation
Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula has closed as an incorporated group from November 2020. This website will remain live until the end of August 2021...
Pt Smythe Information Signs

Point Smythe Visitor Information signs In 2017 Friends of Venus Bay Peninsula partnered with Parks Victoria to create colourful information signs with walking trail maps...
Saltmarsh Boardwalk

The construction of a Bird Hide platform at the edge of the salt marsh at Anderson Inlet jetty was a major project for the ‘Friends’...
Indigenous Gardens at VBCC

By Brad Lester, Editor, The Star newspaper. 2010 AN INFLUX of people to the Venus Bay peninsula over the years has changed the environment of...
Save Our Venus Bay Reserves

Save Our Reserves - Community Land Stewardship in Venus Bay At last we have some good news regarding our long campaign to protect public open...